Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Government, Economy, Freedom

This article was inspired by a reader comment. Yes, our government has grown too big. It is not what the founders intended. At all.

The US Government was designed to defend the nation and to protect the people, specifically to protect the people’s rights. The Constitution clearly defines the appropriate roles of the federal government. All else is to be left to the states and to the people. Keep in mind that power corrupts.

Also note that a distant, cold, central government cannot meet the needs of the individual. It wasn’t designed to do so (FEMA anyone?). It also cannot meet the needs of those in far away places with very different lifestyles.

People in rural communities have very different needs than people who live in cities. Each community is different and that is why universal decisions, even those with the best intentions, tend to hurt more than they help. A state government, better yet a local one, is more in touch with its people. There is also the fact that the people can keep a much better eye on local politicians, keep them on their toes, or elect someone else.

That is the main point of this discussion. A reader asked what we can do about our government. The first, best thing we can do is stop electing the same types of politicians. We need statesmen. We need people who are willing to protect freedom. We need leaders.

As it stands right now, there is way too much back-scratching, far too many deals made. Rarely is the Constitution mentioned, much less used as the standard. We have lawmakers signing legislation that they have not even read, often just to get someone else to go along with their agendas. Corruption abounds, yet we turn a blind eye.

We must educate ourselves and become informed voters. Don’t listen to campaign speeches, press conferences, or promises. Check their voting records. Check their track records. Fire them when they fail.

Vote for only those that stand for personal freedom. It is what has always set this country apart from others, made us prosperous, and made so many risk their lives to defend it, and risk their lives to come here. Yet, here we are, throwing it all away.

It’s up to us to say enough.

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